Why You Should Read Every Day other than study books? – by Mitesh Mehta
Why reading is so important for everyone? As a student should I have to read any other books than study books?
The answer is YES definitely everyday reading is required for both parents and students / children, Reading is useful for enhancing our knowledge, vocabulary, linguistic skills, imagination, learning new things, overall development, logical, concentration, and to sharpen your memory too.
Parents and students both have to schedule reading time every day, It will also help to take a break from routing study. Reading time is an investment for your brain and for your future. And who do not want to be Smart and have a successful future? Almost Every successful person or Leader has reading habits. You can read books, novels, magazine, blogs, E Books etc. I recommend reading hardcopy for reading. You can choose any source as per your interest.
Start reading from today and be smart and be a reader and be a tomorrow’s leader.
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Happy Learning
Mitesh Mehta
Student Mentor & Parenting Consultant